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Top 18 Coldfusion Interview Questions Answers in 2023

Coldfusion Interview Questions

ColdFusion is a powerful web application development platform. It enables you to create dynamic and responsive web applications quickly and easily. ColdFusion is a server-side scripting language that runs on the Java virtual machine (JVM). It uses tag-based syntax, which makes it easy to learn and use.

1. What Is Coldfusion?

ColdFusion is a programming language created in 1995 by J.J. Allaire. It is used to create dynamic websites and web applications. ColdFusion code is written in an HTML-like syntax, and then compiled into Java bytecode, which is run on the Java virtual machine.

2. What Is Reactor In Coldfusion?

A reactor is a ColdFusion component that provides a simple, yet powerful way to handle events.

3. How To Clear Cache In Coldfusion?

Clearing the cache in ColdFusion is a relatively easy process. All that is required is to delete the contents of the {cf}/cache directory on your server.

4. Enlist Various Coldfusion Variable Types?

There are a few ColdFusion variable types:

  • String: A string is a series of characters, usually between one and 255 characters long. Strings are enclosed in quotation marks.
  • Numeric: A numeric variable can store any number from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • Date: A date variable stores the day, month, and year as a four-digit number. For example, 0101 represents January 1st, 2000.
  • Boolean: A boolean variable can store one of two values: true or false.

5. How To Set Global Variable In Coldfusion?

Setting a global variable in ColdFusion is easy. Simply create a new variable and set its value to the desired value. You can then access the global variable from any page in your application.

6. What Are Request Variables In Coldfusion?

Request variables are variables that are set by the user when making a request to aColdFusion application. These variables can be used to determine things like what page to display, what data to retrieve from a database, or what action to take. Request variables are typically passed in through URL parameters or form fields.

<CFSET Request.field_name1 = "value">
<CFSET Request.field_name2 = "value">
<CFSET Request.field_name3 = "value">

7. What Are Different Types of Scope In Coldfusion?

There are a few different types of scopes in ColdFusion.

  • Page scope is the default and is active for the entire time that a page is being served. Variables that are defined in page scope are available throughout the page.
  • Form scope is activated when a form is submitted and is available only while the user is completing the form.
  • Session scope is activated when a user first visits a site and is available until the user closes their browser.
  • Cookie scope is similar to session scope, but it persists for a set amount of time, even if the user closes their browser.
  • Application scope is active for the duration of an application and can be accessed by any page in the application.

8. What Is Default Time-Out For Session Variable In Coldfusion?

It can vary depending on how the developer has configured their ColdFusion application.

However, a default time-out for session variables in ColdFusion is typically around 20 minutes.

9. List Different Types Of Errors In Coldfusion?

There are a few different types of errors that can occur in ColdFusion.

One is a syntax error, which is basically an error in the code itself.

Another is a runtime error, which is an error that occurs when the code is executed.

A third type is a logic error, which is an error in the way the code is written that causes it to not work properly.

Finally, there can be errors caused by data that is not properly formatted or that is missing information.

10. What Onsessionstart() Do In Coldfusion?

The onSessionStart() event handler is invoked when a new session is started. It can be used to initialize session variables or to perform any other initialization tasks required when a new session is started.

<cffunction name="onSessionStart" returnType="void">

11. What Are Flash Forms In Coldfusion?

There are two types of flash forms in ColdFusion: persistent and non-persistent.

A persistent flash form is stored on the server, and a non-persistent flash form is not stored on the server.

12. Enlist Few Advantages Of Using Coldfusion?

Some advantages of using ColdFusion are that it is easy to use, it is a versatile language, and it can be used to create dynamic web applications.

13. Fow What Coldfusion Is Used?

It is a platform for developing, deploying and managing applications.

14. What Is Application.Cfm In Coldfusion?

Application.cfm is a ColdFusion template file that contains the application-level settings and default behavior for your application.

15. What Is A Component In Coldfusion?

In ColdFusion, components are reusable pieces of code that can be used to manage data, application logic, and user interface. Components can be written in CFML or Java, and they can be used in both ColdFusion applications and JavaServer Pages (JSP) applications.

16. What Is Use Of CFX Tag In Coldfusion?

The CFX tag is a custom tag that allows developers to write their own ColdFusion functions in other languages, such as C++. This gives developers more control over how their functions are executed, and also makes it easier to integrate ColdFusion with other systems.

17. Why Is Coldfusion Mx6 Different Than Coldfusion 5?

One of the biggest differences between Coldfusion MX 6 and Coldfusion 5 is the fact that Adobe has focused on making MX 6 a more robust platform. This includes enhancements to the core engine as well as better integration with other Adobe products. Additionally, MX 6 includes an application server that can be used to host Rich Internet Applications.

18. How To Upload A File Using Coldfusion?

In order to upload a file using ColdFusion, you will need to first create a form that will allow the user to select the file they want to upload. In the form tag, you will need to specify the enctype as “multipart/form-data”. You will also need to add a File input field and set the name attribute to “file”. In the body of the form, you will need to add a hidden input field and set the name attribute to “cfFile”. This field will be used to store the path to the uploaded file. In order for ColdFusion to be able to read the file, it must be placed in a directory that is accessible by the web server.

cffile syntax is:

<cffile action="upload" 

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